
Innovative Robotic Nerve Cuffs Revolutionize Neurocare

Innovative Robotic Nerve Cuffs Revolutionize Neurocare

Innovative Robotic Nerve Cuffs Revolutionize Neurocare Researchers from the University of Cambridge have developed groundbreaking tiny, flexible devices capable of wrapping around individual nerve fibers without causing damage. These innovative nerve cuffs, employing a combination of flexible electronics and soft robotics techniques, offer promising applications in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders like epilepsy, chronic pain, […]

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Study Uncovers Brain Targets to Modulate Heart Rate for Depression Treatment

Study Uncovers Brain Targets(TMS) to Modulate Heart Rate for Depression Treatment

Unlocking Brain Targets for Depression Treatment: A Breakthrough Study A recent study conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital has unveiled a shared brain network between heart rate deceleration and depression, shedding light on potential avenues for more precise and accessible treatment options. Published in Nature Mental Health, the study analyzed data from 14

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Decoding Spontaneous Thoughts with Brain Imaging

Decoding Spontaneous Thoughts with Brain Imaging

Decoding Spontaneous Thoughts with Brain Imaging A recent study conducted by researchers at the Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR) within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), in collaboration with Dartmouth College, has utilized functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and machine learning to predict subjective feelings during both story reading and spontaneous thinking. Spontaneous thoughts

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Brain Imaging for Emotion Understanding

Decode Your Mind: Understand Emotions with Brain Imaging

Decode Your Mind: Understand Emotions with Brain Imaging A recent study conducted by researchers at the Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR) within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), in collaboration with Dartmouth College, has harnessed the power of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and machine learning to delve into the realm of spontaneous thought.

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Development of soft and highly durable brain electrodes that stick to the brain to treat brain diseases

Can Soft and Flexible Electrodes Revolutionize Brain-Machine Interfaces?

Can Soft and Flexible Electrodes Revolutionize Brain-Machine Interfaces? The Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering at DGIST, led by Professor Kim Sohee, has pioneered an innovative brain electrode technology. Using soft and flexible materials, the team has developed electrodes that promise durability and enhanced functionality across various applications. But why the focus on soft and

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End-to-end deep learning approach to mouse behavior classification from cortex-wide calcium imaging


AI PREDICTS MOUSE MOVEMENT WITH 95% ACCURACY! Researchers at Kobe University have made groundbreaking advancements in the field of neuroscience, particularly in the realm of brain-machine interfaces. Their work centres around the development of an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm capable of predicting mouse movement with an impressive 95% accuracy rate. What makes this achievement even