Why Is Everyone So Excited about iBCI-CC?

Implantable Brain-Computer Interface Collaborative Community (iBCI-CC) to Drive Innovation in Neurotechnology

Mass General Brigham is leading the way with the Implantable Brain-Computer Interface Collaborative Community (iBCI-CC). This exciting initiative, joined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), marks a big step forward in neuroscience.

So, what’s the deal with iBCI-CC(Brain-Computer Interface Collaborative Community)?

BCIs are devices that interface with the nervous system and use software to interpret neural activity. Typically, they help people with disabilities communicate better or control technology. Implantable BCIs are gadgets still being tested, but they hold a lot of promise for helping people recover from neurological conditions or injuries.

But here’s the best part:

The iBCI-CC is all about bringing different people together to speed up making, testing, and making these devices available safely.

It includes scientists, doctors, device makers, groups helping patients, and people who’ve experienced neurological issues firsthand. They’re all working together to make sure these life-changing technologies are developed well and are available to everyone who needs them.

And guess who else is on board?

The FDA! Yep, Getting the FDA involved was a big deal!

They’re the ones who decide if medical devices are safe and effective enough for people to use.

“Brain-computer interfaces have the potential to restore lost function for patients suffering from a variety of neurological conditions. However, there are clinical, regulatory, coverage, and payment questions that remain, which may impede patient access to this novel technology,”

said David McMullen, M.D., Director of the Office of Neurological and Physical Medicine Devices in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), and FDA member of the iBCI-CC(Brain-Computer Interface Collaborative Community).

The iBCI-CC is a place where people can talk openly about these issues and find solutions together.

But it’s not just about the experts – it’s about everyone.

Meetings of the iBCI-CC are open to everyone involved, including the public. Mass General Brigham is helping to organize and support these meetings to make sure everyone’s goals are in line with each other.

For the past year, the iBCI-CC has been organized by a team of leaders including Dr. Leigh Hochberg, Jennifer French, and Dr. Joe Lennerz. Dr. Hochberg, a doctor who specializes in intensive care for neurological conditions, knows firsthand how important these devices can be for patients. Jennifer French, who has been involved in neurotech and advocacy for years, says it’s crucial to have a diverse group of people working together to solve problems. Dr. Lennerz believes that working together before competition starts can help move things forward faster.

This initiative has the support of many important people within Mass General Brigham and beyond. Dr. Merit Cudkowicz, who chairs the Neurology Department, is excited about how these devices could help people with ALS communicate better. Professor Thomas Oxley of Synchron believes that putting patients first is the key to success.

Bailey McGuire, from Mass General Brigham’s Data Science Office, is thrilled to be part of the iBCI-CC. They’re committed to helping the initiative speed up the process of making these devices available to people who need them. If you want to learn more about the iBCI-CC, visit https://www.ibci-cc.org/.

About Mass General Brigham:

Mass General Brigham is an integrated academic healthcare system, unites great minds to solve the hardest problems in medicine for our communities and the world. Mass General Brigham connects a full continuum of care across a system of academic medical centres, community and speciality hospitals, a health insurance plan, physician networks, community health centres, home care, and long-term care services.

About the iBCI-CC Organizers:

Dr. Leigh Hochberg, Jennifer French, and Dr. Joe Lennerz are leading the iBCI-CC. They’re experts in their fields and passionate about making neurotech better for everyone. Together, they’re guiding the community toward a brighter future.


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